





未成型前是卷材,成型后的型号就很多了,最常用是:820型,840型,900型等等!他的组成结构为:保护膜(现已淘汰),聚酯漆,镀锌层,钢板(分冷轧板和热轧板),背面一样的顺序! 以上的分析不代表权威!
Before forming, it is coil, after forming, there are many models, the most commonly used are: 820, 840, 900 and so on! Its composition is: protective film (now obsolete), polyester paint, galvanized layer, steel plate (divided into cold-rolled plate and hot-rolled plate), the same order on the back! The above analysis does not represent authority!
Colored steel plate has many brands with different advantages and disadvantages.
一般工程中使用可分为单板和复合板,复合板又分为岩棉复合板和聚苯复合板。采用单板的一般多为车间或罩棚使用;有些单板安装时还会再附加岩棉,称作“现场复合”。复合板版型墙板以950型居多,顶板970型或960型居多。单板则以760、820、840、900聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 、127或960常见,其中760与820安装方式为以支架固定,其他版型用自攻钉固定。760、820、840多用作顶板,900多用于墙板,127或960用于墙板或顶内反吊板装饰。
Generally used in engineering can be divided into veneer and composite board, composite board is also divided into rock wool composite board and polyphenyl composite board. The veneer is usually used in workshop or shed, and some veneers will be installed with additional rock wool, which is called "on-site composite". Composite plate wallboard is mostly 950 type, roof 970 type or 960 type. The veneer is common in 760, 820, 840, 900, 127 or 960, of which 760 and 820 are fixed by brackets and other types are fixed by tapping nails. More than 760, 820 and 840 are used as roofs, more than 900 are used for wallboards, and 127 or 960 are used for decoration of wallboards or anti-suspension boards in roofs


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