





1.1 为了保证钢结构厂房工程安装的顺利进行,保证施工的质量、进度、安全目标,圆满完成本项工程的檩条安装工作,特编制该工程安装施工方案。
1.1 in order to ensure the steel structure workshop installation works smoothly, ensure the quality, schedule and safety objectives of the construction, the successful completion of the project of the purlin installation work, special construction plan for the project installation.
1.2   施工方案编制主要依据为:  《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50205—2001)、 《钢结构工程质量检验评定标准》(GB50221—95)、
1.2 the main basis for compiling the construction plan is: "code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structure" (GB50205 - 2001), "steel structure engineering quality inspection and evaluation standard" (GB50221 - 95),
1.3  钢结构屋面安装必须按施工图进行,当对施工图及在实际施工中发生疑问时,应通过技术主管或有关技术人员处理。
1.3 steel structure roof installation must be carried out according to construction drawings, when the construction drawings and problems in the actual construction, should be handled by technical directors or technical personnel.
1.4  本施工方案中的有关要求如与国家或行业标准、规范、规程有抵触时,应以前者为准。
1.4 if the relevant requirements in the construction plan are inconsistent with the national or industry standards, specifications and regulations, the former shall prevail.
1.5  安装负责人和项目经理应按照公司制定的各自的岗位职责各进其责,并协调好相互间的交接工作,保证工程安装顺利进行。
1.5 responsible for the installation and the project manager should be in accordance with the company to develop their respective responsibilities in each of their duties, and to coordinate mutual handover work, ensure the installation works smoothly.
第二章 施工准备
The second chapter is construction preparation
第1节 材料、半成品
First section materials and semi-finished products
2.1.1 steel member: the type and quality of steel structure should conform to the requirements of design and construction specification. The factory should have the qualification certificate and should comply with the relevant technical conditions.
2.1.2 connection material: welding rod, bolt and other materials should have quality certificate, and comply with the design requirements and the relevant national standards.
2.1.3 coating: the technical performance of antirust coating should comply with the design requirements and the relevant standards, and should have the product quality certificate.
2.1.4 other materials: all kinds of connectors to meet the construction requirements.
第2节  作业条件
Second working conditions
2.2.1按构件明细表,核对进场构件的数量,查验出厂合格证及有关技术条件。  2.2.2检查构件在装卸、运输及堆放中有无损坏或变形。损坏和变形的构件应予矫正或重新加工。被损坏处的防锈涂料应补涂,并再次检查办理验收手续。  2.2.3 对构件的外形尺寸、制孔、焊接等进行检查,做出记录。
2.2.1 according to the list of components, check the number of access components, check the factory certificate and related technical conditions. Is there any damage or deformation in the loading, transportation and stacking of 2.2.2 inspection components?. Damaged and deformed components should be corrected or reprocessed. The damaged antirust coating should be painted and checked again for acceptance procedures. 2.2.3 check the shape, size, hole and welding of the component and record it.
2.2.4 钢结构构件应按安装程序成套供应,现场堆放场地能满足现场顺序安装及起重设备进退场地的需要。
2.2.4 steel structural components should be supplied in accordance with the installation procedures. The site stacking site can meet the requirements of site installation and lifting equipment advance and retreat site.
2.2.5 steel members are classified and piled up, and the larger rigidity members can be laid horizontally. The laminated wood should be placed on a vertical line.
2.2.6 编制钢结构安装施工方案,经审批后向施工队技术交底。
2.2.6 compiling steel structure installation construction plan, after approval, to the construction team technical disclosure.
2.2.7 检查安装支承面及预埋件,取得确认合格的验收资料。
2.2.7 check the installation of the bearing surface and the embedded parts, get confirmation acceptance qualified data.


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版权 © 廊坊通风管道优质加工厂 网址:lfcaigang.75ix.com  推荐:廊坊通风管道,廊坊螺旋风管,廊坊消防厨房排烟安装
